Back in the summer of 2014, Baristanet featured a story on a new comic shop in Montclair, East Side Mags. Now a staple of the community, the store relocated to a new space in September and owner, Jeff Beck, has his eye on the future. East Side Mags moved from 7 South Fullerton Avenue to 491 Bloomfield Avenue, a two-minute walk. And walk they did!
Beck said he expected five or six people, 10 at most, of his plans to move the store. As the moving date neared, he said anyone who was able to help should arrive at 7 South Fullerton at 7am. To his surprise, more than 30 people showed up to help box everything up and walk it over to the new shop. They were done by 1:30pm. As Jeff put it, “An AMAZING feat!”
To read more visit here.